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Large refined tripode cup with the mythological scene of the centaur Nessus trying to abduct Deianira, Hercules’ wife, after the painting of Guido Reni (in the Louvres collection today). Volute handle, claw feet, delicate engraved gilt decorations. Excellent condition. No marks.
Size: H 13cm (10.5cm without the handle) – diameter of the saucer: 16,5 cm
Paris, first quarter of the 19th century.
Lit: To cross a river, Hercules entrusts Dejanira to the centaur Nessus who, seduced by the young woman’s beauty, takes advantage of the situation to kidnap her. Hercules, still on the other bank, kills him with an arrow poisoned with the blood of Acheloüs.
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